How The Brickle Group Is Educating Its' Employees

The Brickle Group, a diverse textiles manufacturer based in Woonsocket Rhode Island, has partnered with the Rhode Island Core Skills Partnership (CSP) and Rhode Island Regional Adult Learning (RIRAL) to provide its low level English speaking employees with a Workplace Communication Class. Brickle, like many local manufacturers and businesses, has a number of employees who have limited English skills.

The Brickle Group contacted RIRAL to explore options about upskilling its employees. RIRAL introduced Brickle’s Management Team to the CSP funding source for onsite incumbent workforce training furnished by the Governor’s Workforce Board’s new Real Pathways Program. The CSP Grant is a significant employer incentive that pays for a substantial portion of every hour of educational preparation and instruction for the onsite classes to improve employees’ core skills; including ELL workplace communication, basic skills through high school equivalency, and basic computer literacy. The Brickle Group, RIRAL and the CSP worked together to create a curriculum that incorporated real life vocabulary and materials from the workplace to optimally improve workplace communication.Benefits from worksite training include better communication with supervisors, managers, co-workers, customers and clients. Such training often results in reduced turnover and layoffs while increasing safety, productivity and efficiency. Moreover, entry levels employees are upskilled giving rise to boosts in morale and confidence and increased promotion internally.

Another business benefiting from core skills classes for employees and CSP funding is the Dean Hotel in Providence. The Dean is currently running English language classes customized for the needs of housekeeping staff, as well as Spanish language classes for Managers. These services are being provided by Rhode Island Family Literacy Initiative (RIFLI) through the Providence Public Library.

“We have been very pleased with the staff response to the program as our participants come to work each day with new vocabulary and a clearer sense of their worth and purpose within the work community,” states General Manager of The Dean Hotel Aarin Clemons.

The RI Core Skills Partnership (CSP), a statewide collaboration of Adult Education (AE) providers and employers, serves employers by matching them with AE providers who conduct onsite workplace education with a curriculum that is customized to the employer’s specific needs. The CSP Training Fund covers 75% of the cost of services, based on the industry standard of $45/hr. of instruction, while employers commit to 25% of the funding. The CSP is funded by the GWB JDF.

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